With each and every turn of your monocoque,
your gauge of emotions, the hardware of the hard-wired,
some pitiful pestilence of pastimes and propaganda plays
delivered out of key and out of tune.
With each and every fall of your quivered words
like cherry-blossom petals falling between bullets,
like dead pheasants plummeting amidst the butterflies,
broken bumblebee wings ostracized for being impossible.
With each and every arch of your back as you paralyse yourself
and demand attention for being so damn beautiful,
a Nefertiti-esque paralogism in the determination of war.
Why must you dirty your face with cholera-water
when you stand on the shores of the Sea of Galilee?
Each and every quirk unnoticed logistically unsound,
and yet the more I hate you, the more I want you.
The more I want you, the less I need you.
The less I need you, the more I demand you.
With each and every thought, you move further away.
With each and every dream
you become less real.
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