I feel it is something that needs to be addressed. We have created a real mess for our selves and we need to look towards the future.
I learned about Ness’s deep ecology and shallow ecology and many other’s take on them. To day I am purposing a new ecology called Final Ecology. Final Ecology looks at the world as a whole and not just our individual place in it. It is impossible to think that cars, energy, factories, etc will be wiped out completely. The human race and technology will all ways have to move foreword. Final Ecology has a hundred year initial time line.
The first twenty five years will be used to address humans. Final Ecology looks at the human race in three levels. Final Ecology will work on a checks and balance system. Each ‘family unit’ will be given energy/waste credits. Your credits will be based on how much you do to help the environment. It would all so have a commerce element where you can buy and sell your credits. Final Ecology takes in to account all of the out liars and variables. It balances every thing out. There will all ways be those who do not care. They will all ways drive there Hummer’s, leave all there lights on, and be overly waste full. It is okay be cause there are groups of people that live off the grid. Examples of this are the Amish, indigenous tribes, and the deep ecologist. Then there is the majority of people where it is okay to still drive your mini van, have your air conditioning, and watch your television if you recycle, compost, and buy ‘Kentucky Proud’. This level of Final Ecology only works if the energy sources come from re-usable sources like wind and solar. There would all so have to be a gas, food, and people quota for each family unit.
The next twenty five years will focus on animals. Ensuring that they have the food and environment needed to survive. Final Ecology would have a data base of all the animals on the planet. It will be used to track their population and the other populations in the eco system.
The last fifty years of the initial plan deals with nature. Nature gets the most amount of time be cause that is where the majority of the damage is. You might be asking if it is the worse why is it the last to be addressed and the answer is it is going to take humans a while to change. I thought the best way to condition them was over time beginning with the easiest one that directly affects them. The effort will begin with the oceans be cause of the amount of animals that live there and that all life depends on water. Then we will move to replanting forests.
After the initial hundred years their will be other stages to wean us off gas and coal completely. There are other stages to keep up species numbers and farming and recycling initiatives. Making sure that every thing is in check with people, animals, and nature. Over time there will not be a need for the checks and balance system be cause people would be conditioned to do good.
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