Jan 15, 2011

Not Throwing Up Tonight

I lay my head down tired as can be
I am just about to enter dream mode when
Something starts to crawl up!
Heart burn in the third degree
Ugghhh! How my stomach twist and turns
Not tonight I say, swallowing constantly
I rub my poor sunk in belly
What could be left, I thought
This was the last straw
Dear God,
It is me again, yes the sheep
That is lost more than found
I just have a few more things to say
I am not throwing up tonight
I am not throwing up any night
I have admitted that I have made mistakes
Not so deep down I am terribly sorry
I hope that one day
Your love will forgive me
I have come to terms with who I am
And it is what I always wanted to be
And hear me now
I am not throwing up tonight
I am not throwing up any night
God, this no longer is a
Request, Plea, or Begging on my knees
This is just how its going to be
I am using my Free Will card
I have been saving it for 19 years
And this is as good time as any
I am not throwing up tonight
I am not throwing up any night
You can tap dance on my bladder all you want
I hope you are hearing me
Because I am shouting on the top of my lungs
Inside this head of mine
So good night God, sleep tight
I know I will for sure
Because I am not throwing up tonight
I am not throwing up any night
Just like that I started to feel better.
P.S. God... perhaps you could send me little
Reminders from time to time of this night
For tomorrow is a new day
Filled with new fears
And harder challenges
So could you deal me in another Free Will card
For my hand is getting small

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