Dear JoJo,
Yes after nearly two months of you sitting in my closet and one car ride to college I have decided to get some use of you. So at the age of eighteen as I embark on a new chapter of my Life I am starting my first diary. Dear God I hope this is a good decision does not come back to bite me in the butt. I thought today was a good day to embark on this diary adventure because today was the day I moved into my freshman dorm. I now call Keller Hall home. I am a freshman at the Universiyu of Dasani. I have no idea what I am going to major in yet. I was a little hesitant of moving so far from home but based on what I have seen today it is going to be a very exciting year.
I live in room 102. The room right next door to the Hall Director. Lucky me.
Haley was the second to arrive after me.
"Dad you need to lift with your legs." Haley said.
Haley is a freshman as well. She is an in-state student. Her hometown is only two hours away from campus. She has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She seems very out going.
"Hal I am doing the best I can. It would be a lot easier if you didn't insist on bringing such a big tv we would not be having this fight." her dad yelled.
"Dad how can I enjoy Grey's Anatomy on a twenty inch?" Haley said.
Haley lives in 101. It is the first one on the left. Haley was the lucky person to get the room directly across from the hall director.
Next to make her presence known was Gina. She was of Oriental decent, what kind I can not be sure right now because it is rude to ask when you first meet a person. I do know she is from Florida and that she has a boyfriend. She told me that five times in the three minutes we talked.
"Mom it does not look good there lets try it on the other wall." Gina said to her mom.
"You can not do that honey that is your roommates wall." her mom said.
"I have a roommate?" Gina yelled.
"Yes honey this is college everyone has a roommate." her mom said.
We were gonna have some problems with her I could tell.
Gina lived in room 110, the last room on the left. She had the privillage of living across the hall from the RA.
Then came the twins. They are not really twins but they look and act the same. From what I can tell they have been best friends since kindergarten. Right off the bat they were my favorites because they were quiet moving in because they had already planned out their room over the summer. Their names are Sarah and Megan. They moved into room 104.
Then came Hannah, Gina's roommate. Hannah had long dark hair and she wears glasses.
"What are you doing in my room?" Hannah asked.
"Your room, my room!" Gina said.
"Gina we have been over this its both of yours. You must be Hannah." Gina's mom said.
"Yeah, get out of my room." Hannah said.
"Honey we spent like five hours explaining this to you, you are sharing this room." Hannah's mom said.
"Where is the rest of it?" Hannah asked.
"This is it honey its a dorm room." Hannah's mom said.
Yes this was going to be a long year for all of us.
In the midst of all the yelling came Pear. I am 88 percent positive that is not her real name. She is beyond a hippie chick. She has wavy almost white hair. She wears only hemp clothes and only eats food that has died naturally. She meditates and listens to records and has a tank of slugs. She moved into 108.
She tried to interven between Hannah and Gina but one of them broke her inscents. Neither one will officially take credit for the incident but it had to be one of them.
Then came Steph. Steph has a brown bob. She has severe separation anxiety. She was crying and clamping on to her parents legs.
"Do not leave me here alone!" Steph yelled and cried. "I do not know anyone here and what happens if my allergies act up and what if no one here likes me and what if my classes are too hard for me."
"You will be fine honey." her dad said trying to escape from her.
"We live five minutes away, you will be fine." her mom said.
Thanks to her roommate Martha, Steph's parents were able to escape .
Martha has red hair and freckles almost every where. Martha will definitely be the mother on the floor. She brought cook books and cleaning supplies and a first aif kit. She reads 'Better Home and Gardens' and watches HGTv. When I first met her I met my mom at 18, it was pretty surreal.
Martha and Steph live in room 103.
The last girl to arrive was Zena. Yet again pretty sure not her real name. She lives with Pear in room 108. She is a gothic/vampire. She has black hair, lips, finger and toe nails. She too has taken advantage of the privilage every student has to bring a ten gallon tank into the dorm. She has some sort of black snake in there named 'pinky'. As long as she does not try to eat Pear's slugs I am sure they will be fine.
The rest of the seven girls moved in five days ago for Sorority rush or athletic training and I have not met them, based on how they have chosen to decerate their doors they should be a real hoot.
My roommate has yet to show up. Perhaps she will tomorrow. Thats everything that happened on move in day at Keller hall as I know it to have happened.
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