In 1858 a group of nuns from Germany from the Ursula sisters journeyed to Louisville, Kentucky to start a boarding for young ladies. In 1876 the nuns had purchased land and was going to build their school that was to open the following year. Before they bagan construction the nuns gathered in the middle of the grounds to bless the land. The head nun, Sister Angela Merici and an aide named Sister Margret stood in the middle of a semi- circle to perform this ritual.
"On this holy ground-" Sister Angela Merici said.
"If I may correct you sister?" Sister Margret said.
"What is it Sister Margret?" Sister Angela Merici asked.
"This ground is technically not Holy yet un till you splash the Holy Water on it." Sister Margret said.
"Thank you for that correction. On-" Sister Angela Merici said.
"Your Welcome" Sister Margret said.
"On this ground which I am about to make Holy I will build a school to do your work as as the founder of my order, Saint Ursula. Please watch over the building and the girls who attend St. Ursula Academy." Sister Angela Merici said.
"That is going to be the name of your school?" Sister Margret asked.
"I thought so. Is it not a good way to pay homage to her?" Sister Angela Merici asked.
"It is, but 'lets go SUA lets go' does not sound the best." Sister Margret said.
"You do not think so?" Sister Angela Merici asked.
"No" Sister Margret said.
"What about Angela Merici Academy?" Sister Angela Merici asked.
"AMA does have a better sound but do you want to go down in history as the nun who named a school after herself?" Sister Margret asked.
"No that would be no good at all." Sister Angela Merici said.
"What about Mercy Academy?" Sister Katrina asked.
"The sister of Mercy already use that name." Sister Margret said.
"What about Assumption?" Sister Grendel asked.
"No, that is no good." Sister Angela Merici said.
"I agree, Assumption Academy shortens to AA. No cheers with AA is going to rally a crowd." Sister Margret said.
"That could also be almost anything." Sister Katrina said.
"Yes like Apatow Apple" Sister Angela Merici said.
"Perhaps the name should reflect our core values of Reverence, Service, Community, and Leadership." Sister Rebekka said.
"So RSCL Academy?" Sister Angela Merici asked.
"Maybe SUA does not sound so bad." Sister Margret said.
"Wait, the Holy Spirit has sent me the name of the school, Sacred Heart. The symbol Ursula has chosen as our symbol." Sister Angela Merici said.
"Oy" Sister Rebekka said.
"Yes the Holy Spirit is very strong here." Sister Margret said.
"I know, this is the perfect name for the school." Sister Angela Merici said.
"And SHA rolls off the tongue so nicely." Sister Margret said.
"Really?" Sister Angela Merici asked.
"Oh yes" all the nuns said.
"On this ground which I am about to make Holy with the water you made Holy, I will build a school to do your work as well as the founder of my order, Saint Ursula. Please watch over the building and the girls who attend Sacred Heart Academy." Sister Angela Merici said.
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