Feb 11, 2011



Crash! Smash!
Spinning around
Whack! Crack!
A terrible sound

Screeching brakes
Scratching of metal
A four car pile up
The wreckage has settled

Muffled sounds
And distorted voices
So much commotion
From stupid choices

People running over
I can’t hear a thing
I look to the driver
She’s not moving

Why didn’t I drive?
She said she was fine
I knew she was tired
“Look, I’m driving, don’t whine!”

It wasn’t just our fault
The surface was wet
We saw a car skid
Destiny was set

We were destined to collide
Death was there at the scene
He was rubbing his hands
At this poor dead late-teen

She lay there so still
It was clear she was dead
Lying back-bent, so awkward
Blood stained hair down her head

I was taken to hospital
In the early hours of day
Lights were fading
Fading to grey

Parents at my side
I’m staring at them weep
My eyes closing slowly
I’m falling to sleep…

11th Feb 2011

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