Feb 11, 2011

F*ck Friendship

Fuck Friendship

I can honestly say
With a smile on my face
I want to kill you
And I won’t leave a trace

I guess you’ll want to know why
You didn’t think I knew
I cannot fucking believe
I came and cried to you

You knew how beat I was
How much I was a wreck
You completely abused that
You will hit the deck

I don’t know why you chose her
From all the slags you meet
You choose to pursue the one knew
And ask for her to cheat

Not just to get with
Like she’s a stranger in the crowd
She was my fucking girlfriend man
I used to call you a friend, and be proud

Not now, you’ve blown it
It wasn’t just this one time
The more I look into this
You’ve got a mountain to climb

You lied to my fucking face
You told me it wasn’t true
You don’t know what you’ve done
You got no fuckin clue

I can put on a smile for now
Even act like it didn’t take place
But I’ll never forget to get you
I’ll ruin your beautiful face

Our ten years of being best mates
Has all gone to shit
Fuck this fucking friendship
Won’t miss it one bit.

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