Feb 6, 2011

We Were Czech

Their was a time when we were Czech
We were small but very proud
Nothing major was invented here
It isn't Einstein's birth place
But we have goulash and Franz Kafka
And hell that's more than most
We were simple laid back people
That stuck to what we know
No one would argue that our beer is number one
Over time we some how lost what made us Czech
We now speak another language
Listen to other country's music
And have stopped producing our own works

Their was a time when we were Czech
And we said it with a smile on our face
We had names no one but us could pronounce
A castle for a city
No hero's welcome for us
We worked for everything we had
Beauty was outside every window
Franz Ferdinand was in owe
But all this has long since lost
Though I know not forever
For I still say it with a smile on my face
And their is a chamber in our hearts just for pride
Their can be a time when we are Czech again

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