Feb 16, 2011

My First day @ blogger School ( um so to type!)

I am not entirely certain who gave me a heads up about this blogger idea but I enjoy a broad variety of on line interactions so I thought why not and here I am. For the most part, my blogging will be a fluid sharing of my poetry and that will take some time. I had a previous web page that shut down called Writer House and it seems some of the members there are trying to get it back up again and running but I won't hold my internet breath any longer waiting for THAT to happen. Still, I look forward to starting this blog . I had entertained the idea for quite some time but had never been invited to blog before and I suppose that is all it really took was an invite so here I am.
By the way, whoever invited me (if you are human that is and not some random generation of wide spread invitations to any email ) please email me revealing your semi genius thought behind such intent. Would be nice to learn you were just some appreciative fan of mine on post poems but I refuse to hold my breath over that idea too. Anyway welcome one , welcome all to 'My First Day @ Blogger School' (um so to type!) sincerely, a truly most appreciative p_h....................

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